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Warning Signs of Abuse

Strike It Strong

Strike It Strong - Types of Abuse

It can be difficult to acknowledge that you or someone you care about is in an abusive relationship.

Domestic violence does not always look the same, but there are some warning signs that may indicate you are in an abusive relationship.

Take a few minutes to answer these questions:

  • Does your partner constantly insult you or put you down?
  • Does your partner want to know what you do and where you are at all times?
  • Does your partner act really jealous of your friends or family?
  • Does your partner blame you for their violence?
  • Has your partner ever threatened to hurt you or themself if the relationship ends?

If you answered β€œyes” to one or more of these questions, you may wish to call a domestic hotline – see Resources.

Source: Women Against Abuse

Strike It Strong is a non-profit 501c3 organization that focuses on empowering women’s minds and bodies to bring about positive change in their lives through experiences, educational events, and camaraderie.

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